• The starting point for Hadu Newid is that everyone has skills and valuable experiences to share. 

  • The learning that takes place when people come together is crucial to the process of change.  

  • Hadu Newid ensures that the content is relevant through exchanging views and sharing ideas about current practice and what has  worked well and had the most impact as well as what needs to change.


help for complex and challenging issues

Hadu Newid provides a range of bilingual facilitation skills in a range of settings. These include; meetings, conferences, groups, community consultations, away days, reviews, team building events, and workshops. 

  • Do you want to hold an event and need help with facilitation?

  • Do you need an independent facilitator to help you?

  • Do you want to consult with a community?

  • Do you or your organisation need to be clear about where our going?

“Facilitation is the art of stimulating deeper understanding, fresh thinking and behavioural transformation”


Process for planned change

Hadu Newid works with people experiencing complex and challenging issues on an individual and organisational level.  Mentoring sessions can provide a sounding board to explore options and to clarify alternatives for moving forward. It involves a series of one to one sessions with time in between to reflect on progress. 

  • Are you facing too many barriers that are limiting any change you wish to implement?

  • Do you need to review your priorities and make changes?

“The real voyage of discovery consists not of seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes “a glass half full”


Grow bigger…live better, heal wounds, nurture hope

 “Nothing happens until the pain of remaining the same outweighs the pain of CHANGE” 

Hadu Newid supports individuals and their wellbeing to plan for change, build self -esteem, address issues and develop strategies that are solution focussed and based on the here and now. Hadu Newid can enable individuals to reconnect with their own strengths by looking at their circumstances and situations through fresh eyes.

“Don’t confuse your path with your destination-just because it’s stormy now, doesn’t mean you aren’t headed for sunshine”