Harnessing potential in uncertain times.

“everyone has the power to affect change, through making choices that work for them”  Derith Powell - Founder Hadu Newid

  • Hadu Newid is an asset -based community development (ABCD) consultancy that provides a range of bilingual flexible services, tailored to the needs of participants and delivered at accessible venues across Wales and the UK.

  • It is relevant for people wishing to adopt a more community driven, place-based practice way of working and those facing the challenges of top down thinking and hierarchical practice

  • It brings ideas and insights from a range of settings which combines personal and professional experience from grassroots community activism to policy development and senior management in the fields of community development and personal and political empowerment.

  • The starting point will be the identification of “what’s strong as opposed to what’s wrong” using approaches that develop the strengths that already exist.

  • The focus is to build relationships and rather than dictate answers we encourage others to ask their own questions in order to find their own solutions.

  • Those accessing our services gain insights and confidence to apply what they have learnt to make changes in their everyday lives, in their communities and organisations.



Individuals, groups, and organisations engaged in change through recognising their strengths, to take charge, and instigate breakthroughs.


To provide the insights and inspiration needed to achieve sustainable long- term change.


Respect, equity, inclusion, integrity, collaboration and hope.

Why use Hadu Newid?

Hadu Newid is committed to the development of vibrant communities and empowered individuals.

At its very simplest asset- based community development (ABCD) is an approach which uses the existing strengths of individuals and communities as its starting point, rather than an approach which begins with deficits and problems.

Evidence shows that long term sustainable change is more likely to occur if this sense of ownership is adopted and implemented.

The team is flexible and experienced, with an understanding of the current challenges facing individuals, groups, neighbourhoods and organisations across Wales and the UK.